
9/11 健身日記+健康飲食

Because I'm going to study graduate school next week. So I decide to begin my fitness workout plan and heathy meal prep for myself. And I will keep recording my fitness diary in this blog. So I can keep tracking my fitness journey about what I'm eating, what workout I have done....etc. Seeing results will give me more motivation to move on my fitness journey. I would like to share here and if you would like to start healthy lifestyle. You can follow with me. Must be fun!!!!! 


Squat Challenge F


Eggs on Toast

-2 slices dark rye bread, toasted 烤過的黑麥麵包

1 egg, poached 水煮的蛋

25g avocado, smashed 酪梨泥


Cinnamon Apple & Yoghurt

200g greek yoghurt 希臘優格

1 apple, grated 磨碎的蘋果泥

Cinammon, to taste 肉桂粉



Turkey & Quinoa Salad

40g turkey 火雞

1/2 small cucumber (1/2 cup) 小黃瓜

Small handful of baby spinach leaves (1/2 cup) 菠菜葉

180g quinoa, cooked (1 cup) 煮熟的藜麥

100g low fat greek yoghurt 低脂希臘優格


stalks celery, chopped 切碎的芹菜莖

10g peanut butter 花生醬

1 medium pear 水梨


Enchiladas (see page 73) 玉米肉餡捲餅

1 wholemeal wrap 全麥捲餅皮

120g chicken, cooked 煮熟的雞肉

1/4 red capsicum (1/4 cup) 紅椒

1/2 red onion (1/4 cup) 紅洋蔥

3/4 shallot, chopped (1/2 cup) 切碎的洋蔥

200g crushed tomatoes 壓碎的番茄

40g cheddar cheese, grated 磨碎的切達起司

1 medium tomato, diced 切塊的中番茄

    meal prep healthy recipe fitness

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